
Capturing a 360 Degree Sunset During Totality

Capturing the Unseen: 360° Sunsets During a Total Eclipse

Solar eclipses are awe-inspiring events, but for photographers Branden Bodendorfer, Derek Joswiak, and David Murphy, the 2024 eclipse offered a unique challenge: capturing the mind-bending phenomenon of a 360-degree sunset during totality.

Their journey began in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday. Clear skies were paramount to capturing the eclipse’s full glory. Unfortunately, forecasts for Dallas were grim. Not wanting to miss their shot, the team made a quick decision – pivot and chase clear skies!

Early Monday morning, at 5 am sharp, they hit the road, heading northeast as far as traffic allowed. They eventually landed in Russellville, Arkansas, skies crystal clear and ready for their magic.

But how to capture the otherworldly sight of a 360-degree sunset? Enter Branden’s trusty DJI drone. During totality, he took a series of 25 photos, meticulously capturing the horizon in every direction. Back on the ground, these photos were then stitched together, creating a breathtaking spherical image – a complete sunset view.

Many people might not realize that during a total eclipse, the sudden drop in sunlight creates a sunset effect on the horizon, not just in one direction, but all around! Branden’s innovative use of drone photography perfectly captured this rare and beautiful phenomenon.

So, the next time you hear about a solar eclipse, remember – it’s not just about the darkness that engulfs us momentarily. It’s also about the unexpected beauty that can be revealed, waiting to be captured by those willing to chase it. 

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360 Degree Sunset During Totality