
Climb Key West Lighthouse for Best Views of the City

Key West Lighthouse a Must-See

If you’re looking for a charming, historic landmark to visit during your trip to Key West, Florida, the Key West Lighthouse is a must-see attraction. With a rich history and stunning views, this lighthouse is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

Built in 1825, the Key West Lighthouse was constructed to guide ships through the treacherous waters surrounding the island. Over the years, the lighthouse has been a beacon of hope and safety for countless sailors and fishermen, and it remains an important part of the island’s cultural heritage.

One of the most interesting aspects of the Key West Lighthouse is its unique design. Unlike many other lighthouses, which are cylindrical in shape, this lighthouse is conical. The tower stands 86 feet tall, and it was built using bricks that were made on site by local craftsmen. In addition to the tower, the lighthouse also includes a keeper’s quarters, which now houses a museum that is open to the public.

Inside the museum, visitors can learn about the history of the lighthouse and its role in the community. The exhibits include artifacts and photographs that illustrate what life was like for the lighthouse keepers and their families, as well as information about the island’s maritime history. One of the highlights of the museum is the Fresnel lens, which was used to focus the light and was instrumental in guiding ships through the waters around Key West.

After exploring the museum, visitors can climb the 88 steps to the top of the tower for breathtaking views of the island and the surrounding waters. From the top, you can see for miles in every direction, and on a clear day, you can even see Cuba, which is just 90 miles away.

In addition to being a popular tourist attraction, the Key West Lighthouse is also an important part of the local community. The lighthouse is still operational, and its light can be seen for up to 17 miles out to sea. The current keeper is responsible for maintaining the light and ensuring that it continues to guide ships safely through the waters around Key West.

The Key West Lighthouse is a fascinating and beautiful attraction that is well worth a visit. Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or just want to take in some stunning views, this landmark is sure to impress. So if you’re planning a trip to Key West, be sure to add the Key West Lighthouse to your itinerary.

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